


For general assistance using CERS or a local Unified Program Agency (UPA) reporting portal, or for questions regarding what facility data should be reported, contact the local Unified Program Agency. Contact information for each Unified Program Agency is available in the Unified Program Regulator Directory.


Multi-Facility AND Multi-Jurisdictional Businesses
To set up a business organization in CERS with facilities in more than one UPA jurisdiction, one corporate identity can be created to consolidate management of all facilities by one or more authorized users. To establish a multi-facility business and consolidate any existing CERS facilities under the business, please review the CERS Organization Request and provide the required information to CERS Technical Support at The email request should be followed with a copy of the same letter mailed to: CalEPA Unified Program, CERS Organization Request, P.O. Box 2815, Sacramento, CA 95812.

Should a Business use CERS or a local CUPA portal to electronically report required Unified Program information?

    • Businesses whose facilities are ALL within a single CUPA jurisdiction may use a local CUPA portal, which may have additional features or services for businesses that are not offered in CERS. CUPAs will notify businesses in their jurisdiction if there is a local portal available for use.
    • Businesses with facilities in multiple CUPA jurisdictions may prefer to use CERS as the single reporting site for all facilities.
    • CUPAs cannot require any business to use a local portal to report required Unified Program information.
    • Electronically reporting required Unified Program information to CERS and a local CUPA portal is prohibited.
    • Whether a business uses CERS or a local CUPA portal, information reported electronically is automatically exchanged between CalEPA and the CUPA, making it available to both agencies, without duplication.

CERS Hazardous Material Inventory (Upload Template)

    • Upload a facility inventory by choosing the appropriate inventory spreadsheet.
    • Uploaded inventory spreadsheets must match the columns and format as shown in the upload template.
    • CalEPA does not recommend more than 500 materials per upload (which can take 60-100 seconds to upload/process). Larger inventories can be either. 1) Divided into separate spreadsheets and uploaded using the “Append to Existing Inventory” option, or 2) Uploaded for deferred processing as a single large inventory file (or a single upload file with inventories for multiple facilities) using the upload template.
    • To download facility inventory entries already existing in CERS, use the Hazardous Material Inventory upload template functionality. Facility inventories can be edited and re-uploaded using the upload template.

    Consolidated Emergency Response/Contingency Plan The Consolidated Emergency Response/Contingency Plan is designed to consolidate emergency response and contingency plan requirements for hazardous materials handlers and hazardous waste generator facilities. Use of this Consolidated Emergency Response/Contingency Plan is not mandatory. Note: “Section I. Employee Training” may not suffice all training plan requirements in some CUPA jurisdictions and additional information may be required.