Release Date/VersionCers MaintenanceCers Other
August 30, 2024 -
CERS Maintenance
- PBI 8330: Correct UST Tank Info UI display for "Specify Other Tank Use" field 439a
- PBI 5469: Add Guidance Language to Facility Access Request Confirmation Form
- PBI 8331: UST Tank Data Download Report - Error Page/Timeout
- PBI 8330: UST Tank Data Download - Display error in Excel download
- PBI 8320: CIR-124227/SOC 1073 - email history IDOR
- PBI 8363: CIR-124227/SOC 1073/1078 - notifications IDOR
July 23, 2024 -
CERS Maintenance
- PBI 8264: Hot fix – Submittals – Correct Non-regulated facilities draft error
- PBI 8276: Enforcements - Remove decimal places to match data dictionary – round to nearest whole number in UI
June 28, 2024 -
CERS Maintenance
- PBI 8143: Tiered Permitting – Add missing text, correct typos on pages
- PBI 8168: Tiered Permitting: Correct “Instructions” header on Financial Assurance pages
- PBI 2911: Set global constants for date dependent business rules (e.g., APSA cutover date)
- PBI 8129: Security Update
- PBI 8209: Security Update
- PBI 8208: Security Update
- PBI 2869: EDT - SubmittedOnEnd date parameter – default to end of day if time is not specified
- PBI 1963: Enable display help for CERS Field 440 "Tank Contents" in Regulator portal
- PBI 331: Add input mask for large numeric values
- PBI 2825: Violation Search Page – Display Violation Type # on Excel export
- PBI 2823: Add "Local Facility Grouping" number to the submittal download report
- PBI 375: Do not display Not Applicable submittal elements on Draft Preparation page
- PBI 8126: Data registry Excel export – correct Registry Field Number to display 4 decimals
February 1, 2024 - 3.9.0014
CERS Maintenance
- PBI 6607: Add validation to not allow an Inspection to have a future Occurred On date when creating or editing an Inspection in the Regulator portal
- PBI 7868: UST Facility/Tank Data Download report
o Filter regulator dropdown list to only include PAs and CUPAs
o Add facility latitude/longitude to UST Facility Info tab in Excel output
- PBI 2826: Change abbreviations for Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act from “AST” to “APSA” on CME Data Download report

December 22, 2023 - 3.9.0013
CERS Maintenance
- PBI 2822: Add business Organization Name and Organization Code to UST Facility/Tank Data download report
- PBI 1507: Create PA Activities Report
- PBI 6703: PA Activities Report modifications
- PBI 6611: Regulator Document Upload – Correct delete function error
- PBI 3567: Update Submittal History list to show all previous submittals instead of limiting to last 15 when creating new submittal from previous submittal
- PBI 7811: Regional Inventory Report – Corrected issues that were causing inaccurate results
October 25, 2023 - 3.9.0010
CERS Maintenance
- PBI 6535: EPA ID Service: Improved functionality for HWTS data match
October 24, 2023 - 3.9.0009
CERS Refresh
- Bug 6652: Business portal - Correct malfunctioning UST Monitoring Plan form.
September 22, 2023 - 3.9.0008
CERS Maintenance
- PBI 6362: Increase character limit to 5000 for Violation text box on Regulator Document Upload page
- Update links for Consolidated Emergency Response/Contingency Plan Template
- PBIs 6395/6454: Security Updates
- PBI 6410: Add current year to UST Routine Inspection Frequency report
- PBI 6422: Modify UST Routine Inspection Frequency report
o Query results screen match Excel import
o Correct facility counts
o Replace Last Submittal column with Last Routine Inspection column on query page
- PBI 6533: Add EnviroScreen Score to Formal Enforcement Summaries Document Upload Form
- PBI 784: CERS Administrations - Statewide Default ZIP Code - Submittal Element
o Update short names for Santa Clara County EH, Santa Clara County Fire, and Santa Clara City Fire
- PBI 6275: Correct misspelling of “Tehama”
- PBI 3315: Correct typo on UST Facility Operating Permit forms
- PBI 1384: Correct broken link on Tiered Permitting submittal element forms
CERS Refresh
- Bug 6270: Regulator portal - Total count missing from search results table
- Bug 6359: Business portal - UST Monitoring Plan page – correct show/hide toggling
- Bug 6411: Regulator portal - Regional Inventory Report – correct show/hide toggling on search parameters
- Bug 6424: Regulator portal - System Tools/CERS Help document management link
- Bug 6444: Business portal – Facility Notifications broken link
- Bug 6475: Business and Regulator portals – Correct show/hide field numbers toggle