Version History
Version 2.23.0012
Release Date: May 30, 2016
Build #2.23.0012 Change Log Summary
Regulator Portal:
- Implement business rule to restrict Violation selections to only allow Violations for which the Violation Program Element is valid for the parent Inspection Program Element
- Addition of Information to the UST Facility/Tank Data Download Report
- Added new Violation Program Element type Household Hazardous Waste
- CME Upload: Corrected unhandled error when user uploads a Violation with an Invalid Start/End date
EDT Services:
- Regulator Facility Create Endpoint: Corrected IgnoreExactDuplicateAddressWarning element processing
- Implement business rule to restrict Violation selections to only allow Violations for which the Violation Program Element is valid for the parent Inspection Program Element; a required level guidance message will be returned if the EDT submission is not in compliance with this business rule